Applications & Markets

Air pollution is a major environmental risk to health, affecting everyone in the world. Ambient air pollution is the greatest environmental risk causing more than 3 million premature deaths worldwide every year. However, exposure to air pollutants is definitely beyond the control of individuals. Up until now, there is no system on the market for personal monitoring of the air and screening potential environmental health hazards.

The MSP consortium successfully designed a novel 3D-integrated multi-sensor system to help combat this enormous problem. The MSP can find and measure pollutants harming our health and changing the climate as well as sense light or measure temperature and humidity. Armed with this information, wristband wearers might seek cleaner air by taking a certain street or opening the window to an airless or smoky room. Equipped with such a tool, wearers are empowered to assess their own environment indoors and outdoors and take actions to improve it when needed.

The MSP consortium elaborated a comprehensive exploitation plan including a market study. The MSP systems are addressing Smart Buildings, Smart Home, Safety & Security, Environmental Monitoring, Health, and Internet-of Things markets. Air quality sensors developed for smart phones have the potential to enter the Consumer Electronics market. MSP innovations are already on the market in terms of 3D-integrated light sensors in smart phones.

Smart Phone & Smart Building Management
Smart Phone & Smart Building Management
Multi Sensor Platform
Multi Sensor Platform